Tantra, Practice, Experience

In science, one applies approved methods to achieve a certain outcome. If one wants to develop new methods, they experiment until they find what works, then relay the information to others.

Tantra is an identical process, although it works on the plane that science struggles to grasp, the spiritual or metaphysical plane of conscious beings.

If you practice a certain tantric technique in the correct way, you will generally be able to achieve the results that the tantra describes, as long as you understand and have crossed the thresholds present in any preliminary practices.

In this way, one doesn’t usually follow the path out of blind faith, but rather, does so because of the direct experience of that which the tantra describes. Without putting the methods into practice and without direct experience, there can be no hope of achieving the described outcome of a tantric text or teaching.

No matter how much one reads about a topic of activity like meditation or tantra, if the material is not practiced and experienced, it will remain a distant, exotic fancy for one to flirt with.

May all sentient beings look inward and experience mind in its raw state.

Hailaz / Namaste

-Ansuz Society

Non-Profit Approval

Last year, during the time between Samhain and the November Full Moon, we carried out a 9 day ritual which covered many different aspects of reverence and renewal.

On the evening of the full moon, we concluded ritual operations by dropping off our letter for non profit approval at the local post office. Since then, we have been waiting patiently for the process to unfold.

Today, we finally found out that we are indeed approved by the state of New York to operate as a not-for-profit corporation. This opens up many doors for the future and will give us the opportunity to put together more events to benefit all.

Our purpose and dream for this project since the beginning was to create a space for all beings to practice on this path; a spiritual center that can be a source of refuge whether one is near or far. Whether Pagan, Hindu, Buddhist, or nondenominational, we aim to create a Sangha of practicing individuals with mutual respect and understanding for one another.

We are very happy to share this news with you.

May all beings thrive.

Hailaz / Namaste

-Ansuz Society

Society Priorities

Our mission is to aid and facilitate spiritual development within the sphere of our ancestral religions.

When it comes to socio-political matters, we believe it is up to each individual to make those decisions on their own.

We believe the body is a shell, concealing our true essence beneath. This essence transcends terrestrial limits.

In this way, the space we provide is meant to remove your attachment to the flesh, letting your spirit flourish; undistracted by the noise of the outside world.

We believe in living an ascetic lifestyle and are first and foremost concerned with humanities liberation, one person at a time.

Please, do not approach us if looking for a place to voice your political opinions, whether right or left, as we have nothing to offer in this regard.

Hailaz / Namaste

-Ansuz Society